Артём Житенёв


Marcus Bleasdale. Georgia Conflict Aftermath.

29.8.2008 01:30
Russian troops advance into Georgia territory in Georgia.

Russian troops react to sniper fire at a checkpoint in Gori, Georgia.

A man begs in front of a Russian tank in the Russian-occupied town of Gori, Georgia.

A damaged window is seen of a looted home in Shindisi, Georgia.

A homeless resident of a bombed apartment block lights a cigarette in Gori, Georgia. Russian troops bombed the building during their advance into Georgia territory.

A resident mourns the deaths of her neighbours after a bomb attack on her home in Gori, Georgia.

A view of inside a Russian-bombed nursery is seen in Gori, Georgia.

A resident of bombed apartment block points up to a shrapnel scared wall in Georgia.

A painting of Stalin is seen in the destroyed school in Khetagurouo, Georgia.

A child displaced in the conflict runs down the stairs of an abandoned school, which is being used as a residence for the displaced Georgians in Georgia.

A resident stands in front of his burnt home after attacks by Ossetian Seperatists, in Karaleti, Georgia.

The home of Giga Chikhaladze after being burnt by Russian Militia in Tkviavi, Georgia.

The body of Zvied Kareli 37, lies in an outhouse six days after being killed. Neighbours said he was killed by Ossetian Militia during looting in the village of Tkviali, Georgia.

A displaced Georgian after arriving in Gori, she had been hiding in a basement for one week.

The grave of Giga Chikhaladze buried after being burnt in his home by Russian Militia in Tkviavi, Georgia.

A Russian soldier assists a lady across the checkpoint into Gori, Georgia.

The remains of a child's room after having a direct hit by a 500 pound bomb in Georgia.

The destroyed barracks housed Russian peacekeepers before being attacked by Georgian troops in Georgia.

Residents of Tskhinvali pass destroyed homes in the town center after it was shelled over a period of five days by Georgian troops.

A Georgian villager protests at the aerial bomb attacks on his home which destroyed his house and left him homeless in Georgia.

A destroyed apartment block is seen in Tskhinvali, Georgia.

Luba Tkhlasdze, 65, breaks down after being looted by Ossetian militia in Georgia. They destroyed the only photographs she had of her dead son and they killed her brother-in-law.

A resident of Goriu prays at church on the Sunday after the fighting in the town.

The destroyed barracks housed Russian peacekeepers before being attacked by Georgian troops on the 9th August.

PhotobucketPhotos of the family of victims killed in the bombing in Gori left on the bed during packing to evacuate. Three members of the family were killed in the attack.

Anzor Berdzenishvili, 72, was beaten by Ossetian militia while they were looting his home.

The home of Giga Chikhaladze after being burnt by Russian Militia in Tkviavi, Georgia.

The body of a man killed after being stopped at an Ossetian Militia roadblock lies by the side of the road inTirdznisi, just south of the Ossetian border.

Stalin Square reflected in a window destroyed by a cluster bomb.

Civilians and military mingle at a concert for peace held in Tskhinvali after the fighting between Russian and Georgian troops.

Russian troops pull out of Gori after a war which lasted one week.

© Photo Agency VII
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Любитель166  ( # )
Хорошая подборка Артём!
То, что дали на Полигоне в сравнении с Коротаевым, - особенно хорошо.
Смущает несколько вещей:
- Абсолютно пещерная, реакция публики.(независимо от мировозрения и образования).
- Ваше собственное мнение,(молчание) по поводу представленных фотографий.
- Сведение фотографами увиденного, к тем или иным штампам,(стилистике). Не говоря уже о подписЯх...

Кажется пришло время поднапрячься и издать "Манифест"?!
Артём Житенёв  ( #   )
к сожалению, не знаю о каком Коротаеве идёт речь...

Про реакцию, мнение и сведения:
а разве ЭТО важно?

Любитель166  ( #   )
Тысяча извинений, - перепутал Коротаева с Кочетковым.

Важно. Это еще у Брессона есть: "факт - не так важен, важно как Ты к нему подходишь". Или типа того? (После Коротаева-Кочеткова, сам себе не доверяю ;)
Артём Житенёв  ( #   )
а насчёт реакции публики и прочего, то я согласен с вами.
на то она и публика.
зомбиящик делает своё дело.
а насчёт факта...
я же просто мониторю интернет в поисках этой темы.
позже ещё что-то выложу.
может хоть так пробъём стену?
Дмитрий Егоров  ( #   )
Какую стену?
Артём Житенёв  ( #   )
у каждого своя стена.
Миша Леонов  ( #   )
интересные кадры. Стены бывают несущие и второстепенные (точнее уже не помню0
nickolai_ch  ( #   )
спасибо за подборку, очень фотографические снимки.
Артём Житенёв  ( #   )
это хорошо.
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